Kitchen Library

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Filling recipe - Custard Cream 1

Going to chinese restaurant to yamcha and a perfect steamed custard bun is on the table, bite into it you get the delicious yellowy filling in your mouth. This is nice and easy recipe and good for buns to steam or oven-bake.

1 1/2cup   Milk
100g        Sugar
1/2cup  Coconut Milk
70g       Custard Powder
1           Egg
1/8tspn  Yellow Food colouring

1) In a saucepan, melt sugar with milk and let it boil (A)
2)Gather Ingredients B and mix A together and mix well.
3) Cook te mixture slowly in a pan until thicken
4Transfer mixture into a container. Let it cool and put in the fridege for 20mins

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